Monday, January 5, 2009

transformations and fresh starts

everyone needs a fresh start in some area of life. i love the idea that yesterday's failures don't have to be today's extra baggage. i love that we don't have to be stuck in same-'ol, same-'ol... and that God's grace is ever prodding us towards the new thing, the fresh start, the way where there seems to be no way. it's why i love makeover projects. fresh looks cause us to view our lives in fresh ways. UNSTUCK!!! (hey, i think there's an upcoming message series at ginghamsburg on this very subject...)

i've been part of a mini-makeover team (husband clark, friend robin, + kim) who in the last year have transformed my brother's 7-room coffee house in granville, ohio in our "spare" time. i most recently recovered four chairs to finish one room. see the photos at the bottom of this post- a glimpse into the new look at

recently a couple from ginghamsburg -walt and debbie toney- offered up a large amount of pottery to be sold and profits go towards THE SUDAN PROJECT. the potters who made this pottery already had their work featured at river road... so we struck up a deal to sell this larger amount right there at river road. it's a win-win-win scenario. my brother gets added inventory (which was needed), the toneys get to give a larger gift than they'd orginally planned, and the people of SUDAN will benefit greatly in the end. God is good!

1 comment:

  1. All your hard work has produced beautiful results. Love it and can't wait to stop in to soak it all up while enjoying a cup of joe!
