january is a great time to set new goals and to hear from God about fresh vision for our lives. i’ve enjoyed hearing God urge me to move forward in several areas of my life: family relationships, personal health and fitness, extended networking/influence and last but not least, new design projects in my day job! new things keep me excited about life. God asks that we sing him new songs! created in God’s image, we all yearn for new things to keep life fresh and vital.
recently we drove to atlanta to check in on our favorite new person, linkin urijah miller. link is five months old now and we totally want to be in our grandson’s life. we’ll need to lose some of the old things that used to take our time in order to make space for this new little bundle of relationship.
what is a new thing for you this year? new job, new hobby? a new goal you’re achieving? a new project you’re diving into?
what’s new with you?
recently we drove to atlanta to check in on our favorite new person, linkin urijah miller. link is five months old now and we totally want to be in our grandson’s life. we’ll need to lose some of the old things that used to take our time in order to make space for this new little bundle of relationship.
what is a new thing for you this year? new job, new hobby? a new goal you’re achieving? a new project you’re diving into?
what’s new with you?