Friday, May 22, 2009

twas the night before new orleans...

i'm watching the 11 o'clock news before going to sleep for the "night." our bags are packed, the trailer's parked outside and our dog Buddy is predictably depressed having watched us prepare to leave during the evening.

the alarm is set for 3 a.m. when clark and i'll rise to meet 20 other adults from ginghamsburg ready to set out for our 50th mission trip to the gulf areas hit hardest by hurricane katrina. we'll be concentrating our efforts by coming alongside the mt. zion umc - a community of brothers and sisters on lousiana ave. in new orleans - who are still displaced by the flood waters. we understand we'll be doing mostly demolition work to prepare for later rebuilding.

i'm looking forward to traveling with friends - some new and others i've worked alongside all year long. we'll be posting our journey and videos here on this site. welcome along!

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